Monday, October 1, 2012


Volvo Car Corporation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the members of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium regarding implementation of shared technology for communication between cars in 2016.

Volvo Car Corporation has since November 2011 been a member of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, which brings together most of Europe's major car manufacturers. The organisation works to create a common European standard for intelligent transport systems with the aim of enhancing road safety.

Development under the CAR 2 CAR umbrella encompasses several different projects. Some relate to the way cars can communicate with each other (Car-2-Car) - for instance to provide information in the event of road-works or a road accident - while others focus on how the infrastructure can convey information about what is happening along the route (Car-2-Infrastructure).

“Via a transmitter attached to a traffic light, the driver can be informed about what speed to maintain in order to make it through several consecutive green lights. This has a range of benefits such as steadier traffic flow, greater comfort for drivers, lower fuel consumption and lower emissions. The over-riding goal of this cooperation, however, is increased traffic safety,” says Erik Israelsson, head of Car-2-Car communication at Volvo Car Corporation.

The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium is an organisation founded by several European car manufacturers together with suppliers, research institutes and other partners.


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