Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Here’s something scary. Toyota has, since it first started producing motor vehicles in 1935, sold 200 million of the machines globally so far! Imagine that! The brand that has pushed this number the highest is the Corolla, having done about 39 million units so far. That means if every Corolla ever built was only for Mzansi, there would be one for every household, with millions more left over for companies and government etc.

“I wish to expressmy heartfelt appreciation to our customers the world over who made it possible for us to reach this milestone,” says Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda. “I also have the most profound respect and gratitude for the efforts of all persons who were involved in developing, manufacturing, and marketing Toyota and Lexus vehicles over the years. We are determined to make our cars even better, to continue to give our customers the best possible product. This is the common goal of our 300 000 Toyota staff members worldwide.”

And with things going the way they are, Toyota looks set to remain the number one car company in the world, a titled it briefly relinquished to General Motors in 2010. 

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